I recently watched the Legend of Korra finale (Sunday) and I have a few comments about it including the whole series, compared too the original and opinions.
First of all, Ill start with the overall plot;
(video by respective owners (c) Nick)
The main character is a female! In the first season we only got to know that there were some female avatars in the past like Kiyoshi and Yangcheng (the airbender before Aang), but we didn't get to see them in action much. So when I heard that the next avatar was a female I was so happy and I had one more reason to celebrate womens' independence day. Anyways, besides that another pro was the fact that the world was modernizing more. I kinda missed the old China theme it had in the original, but times change weather we like it or not ^^"". And this was one of those times for me....
We learn that Korra is the avatar in the first episode and that the world is already modernized in only 70 years. I honestly think 70 years was too short a time for the world to go from ostrich-horse carts to plains aka air crafted mobiles. That kinda annoyed me though if it wasn't this way the story would be less exciting. I'm also disappointed that we didn't get to see Korra mature and learn to bend all the elements. We only saw her practice with the Fireferets and Tenzin and even then she was either only water bending or failing at air bending. And what was the point of Mako and Asami gettig in a relationship? Why couldnt she just have remaind an independent woman with no man in her life like she was intruduced as in the first place. Seriously, thier relationship had no point except to provide forced drama for a really boring and irritating love triangle.
As for the past characters, Aang and the original cast, we don't hear much about them. We only get brief flash backs, that only show their ranks in I guess the 'government' of Republic city. I really wanted to know about their families and how life was for them.
Aang; Its disappointing that he looked so young and so unlike hes younger self. But it makes sense that he died 'young' because he was already like 160 years or something, but I cant shake the felling that he'd died to young.
Katara; Congratulations on getting an air bending son that looks nothing like you or Aang.... And seeing her so old at first brought tears to my eyes I, really missed the younger motherly Katara, but now shes a grandmother!! That one scene made me realize that I too will be an old grandmother some day.... //not forever young
But I was happy to know that she had the title "best healer", trained Korra and was an important part of society even at her age.
Sokka; He seemed to have matured a little bit, which is a good thing but I hope hes still funny. I really wanted to know if he and Suki had kids, we didn't hear much about him either.
Toph; The founder of metalbending. I was so touched when she called Aang twinkle toes in one flash back it reminded me of the good old days. But I think she had the worst ending in the original series because first of all she didnt get her true love (Sokka), she ran away from home because her parents did'nt try to understand her, she dint seem to have real friends before meeting the group and she didnt go on a self discovering trip with Zuko (lol).
Aang; Its disappointing that he looked so young and so unlike hes younger self. But it makes sense that he died 'young' because he was already like 160 years or something, but I cant shake the felling that he'd died to young.
Katara; Congratulations on getting an air bending son that looks nothing like you or Aang.... And seeing her so old at first brought tears to my eyes I, really missed the younger motherly Katara, but now shes a grandmother!! That one scene made me realize that I too will be an old grandmother some day.... //not forever young
But I was happy to know that she had the title "best healer", trained Korra and was an important part of society even at her age.
Sokka; He seemed to have matured a little bit, which is a good thing but I hope hes still funny. I really wanted to know if he and Suki had kids, we didn't hear much about him either.
Toph; The founder of metalbending. I was so touched when she called Aang twinkle toes in one flash back it reminded me of the good old days. But I think she had the worst ending in the original series because first of all she didnt get her true love (Sokka), she ran away from home because her parents did'nt try to understand her, she dint seem to have real friends before meeting the group and she didnt go on a self discovering trip with Zuko (lol).
As for the ending of the season when Aang was all like,
"Your lowest point brings out the strongest in you" stuff, doesn't that completely contradict what Kiyoshi and her warriors were about: women who were strong enough too fight any war without using bending. But Korra feels all depressed that she cant use any elements but air. Kiyoshi would have been disappointed to have been reborn as someone who determines their self worthiness though bending. Kiyoshi managed to train and create a group of female warriors who could fight it any battle without the use of bending, and Korra completely contradicts this. Kiyoshi would have smacked her senselessly.... (How did Kiyoshi die btw? She was so young)
Another disappointing thing about the finale was Commander Iroh.
The fact that Zuko renamed his son after his uncle Iroh, was really cute. I also liked hes voice, it was by the same voice actor as Zukos' but it didn't suit hes character at all, in my opinion. As a commander I expected a more serious deep voice. Zukos is kinda immature and naive, or at least I get that feeling because I'm used to young Zuko with that voice. Hes' son was kinda old looking possibly 30/late 20's and Zuko was about 18 with he same voice, so that kind of irritated me.
Unaswered Questions:
- What happened to Zukos mom?
- Where did all the other air benders (besides Tenzins kids) come from
- Where did another flying bison come from (I thought Appa was the last one)
- Did Azula and her dad die in prison?
- Who did Toph marry (if she did)
- Did Tylee live with the circus until her death?
- What happened to Jets crew?
- Are the great cities (Omashu, Basengsae etc) still standing
- Do the other nations still have royal families?
- Did the southern water tribe grow in population and modernize like the Northern tribe?
- Did Toph settle things with her parents? (remember they were against her bending as a blind child and Katara helped her send them a letter through hawky -Sokkas bird- after she run away with them and we never heard form them again)
Season two nao!! But until further news, please enjoy this random fan video I found ^^
((fan video by respective owners))